The right assessment of your condition will help us design the bespoke treatment plan to fast track your recovery process.


Once we get to the root of the condition, our professional therapist will start the teratment to get you back on the track.


Our direct billing method is transparent and there is no hidden clause or fee. We accept insuracne from top health insurance providers..

Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Scarborough

Welcome to Keys to Wellness Clinic

We are here to offer you our result-driven physiotherapy and other wellness services. Whether you are an adolescent or in your late 40s or 50s, anyone and everyone can enjoy the benefits of physiotherapy.
Whether you want to restore mobility, enhance strength, regenerate physical function, repair injuries, or get rid of pain, physiotherapy, and massage treatments can make you feel good instantly. Book your first appointment today!

Our goal-oriented physiotherapy and additional wellness services are available to you. Anyone can benefit from physiotherapy, regardless of age, whether in their late 50s or early 60s.
Massage therapy and physiotherapy can help you feel better immediately by reducing pain, improving strength, repairing injuries, and restoring mobility.

Why choose us

How it works

We understand how pain, discomfort, and immobility can hinder leading your best life.
Key to Wellness has the ultimate solution for you. Experience drastic improvements in your physical health. Enjoy, and relieve your best days once again!

Quality Care

Whether you are looking for a physiotherapy clinic that offers acupuncture, sports injuries, or any other wellness treatment, we have it all under one roof.
We help our patients achieve exemplary health quickly by offering solutions that help rebuild strength, relieve pain, restore physical function, and regenerate mobility.

Full Suite of Therapy & Wellness Service

We are professionals who are devoted to getting you back on your feet so that you can feel good, live your best, and enjoy everyday activities pain-free!

Our Services

We provide the best in-town services with our expertise in physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, inversion therapy, massage therapy, and active therapy. Our experts have been in this field for quite some time now, and they are well aware of what they are doing. They specialize in understanding the grievances of every client and then move towards planning which remedy will help them benefit the most. Additionally, they estimate the total number of sessions required, which will enable the client to experience the best results with long-term effectiveness.

Pain Management Therapy in Scarborough

Pain Management Therapy in Scarborough

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Aut harum voluptatibus vel aliquid soluta sit voluptatem iste non voluptatem eaque

Sports Physiotherapy in Scarborough

Sports Physiotherapy in Scarborough

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ad cupiditate earum et tempore pariatur ex autem inventore

Chiropractor in Scarborough

Chiropractor in Scarborough

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Aut architecto ipsum in autem error qui quis quam aut rerum perferendis

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Scarborough

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Scarborough

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sit animi exercitationem et tempora minus ex corporis

Active Therapy Services in Scarborough

Active Therapy Services in Scarborough

Keys to Wellness is your trusted and dedicated wellness clinic offering a range of safe and effective healthcare services

Chiropractic Services in Scarborough

Chiropractic Services in Scarborough

If you are suffering from pain or discomfort in your neck, back, or joints, chiropractic care may be the solution you need.

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Effective Pain Management Therapy in Scarborough: A Key Component of OA Treatment

Osteoarthritis, often degenerative joint disease, is a common condition characterized by the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. It can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. While no cure for osteoarthritis exists, effective management strategies can help alleviate symptoms and improve function. Among these practical strategies, pain management therapy in Scarborough stands out due to its comprehensive approach to addressing the multifaceted nature of the condition.

Understanding Osteoarthritis (OA)

Before delving into the benefits of pain management therapy in Scarborough, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of osteoarthritis. This condition primarily affects the joints, such as the knees, hips, spine, and hands, causing the protective cartilage to wear down over time. As a result, bones may rub against each other, leading to joint pain, inflammation, and structural changes. Osteoarthritis commonly develops with age, but factors such as obesity, joint injuries, and genetic predisposition can also contribute to its onset and progression.

The Role of Pain Management Therapy

Pain management therapy encompasses a range of interventions aimed at reducing persisting pain, improving function, and enhancing overall well-being in individuals with osteoarthritis. Unlike traditional approaches focused solely on symptom relief, pain management therapy takes a holistic approach by addressing the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of pain.

Comprehensive Assessment

The first step in pain management involves a thorough assessment to understand pain's nature, severity, and underlying causes. This assessment considers physical, emotional, social, and psychological factors contributing to the pain. By comprehensively understanding the individual's pain, healthcare providers can tailor treatment plans to address specific needs and goals.

Multimodal Approach

Pain management therapy in Scarborough is based on a multimodal approach. It may include physical therapy, analgesics, lifestyle changes, modalities, CBT, and complementary therapies such as massage and acupuncture. By addressing pain from multiple angles, this approach offers comprehensive relief and improves overall treatment outcomes.

Individualized Care

Each individual with osteoarthritis experiences pain differently, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Pain management therapy emphasizes individualized care, where treatment plans are tailored to meet each patient's unique needs. This approach ensures that interventions are effectively targeted and optimized for maximum benefit.

Pain Reduction

The primary goal of pain management therapy is to reduce pain and discomfort associated with OA. Through targeted interventions such as exercise, manual therapy, and modalities like heat or cold therapy, pain management therapists help alleviate joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation, allowing individuals to engage in daily activities with greater ease and comfort.

Improved Functionality

Besides pain relief, pain management therapy focuses on improving physical function and mobility. Physical therapy exercises, joint mobilization techniques, and assistive devices enhance joint flexibility, strength, and range of motion. Patients can regain independence and maintain an active lifestyle by restoring functional abilities.

Enhanced Quality of Life

OA can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, affecting their ability to work, engage in social activities, and enjoy hobbies. Pain management therapy addresses not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and psychological aspects of pain, helping patients cope better with their condition and regain a sense of control over their lives.

Patient education and advice

Many individuals with OA may need help understanding the condition, its progression, and how it affects their joints. Patient education is integral to pain management therapy, providing patients with a deeper understanding of their condition, treatment options, and self-care strategies. Through clear and accessible education, patients can make informed decisions.


If you or a loved one is struggling with OA, consider exploring the benefits of pain management therapy. Proper support and interventions make it possible to manage osteoarthritis effectively and maintain a good quality of life. At Keys to Wellness, we offer Scarborough's best pain management therapy.


Top Physiotherapy Clinic in Scarborough for Effective Torticollis Treatment

Torticollis, also known as wry neck, is a condition characterized by the abnormal positioning of the head, causing it to tilt to one side. At the same time, the chin points to the other. This condition can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired later in life. While OTC pain medicines can offer temporary relief, getting proper treatment in the best physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough ensures long-term relief from Torticollis, offering a restriction-free life.

Causes of Torticollis

Congenital Torticollis occurs when the neck muscles are shortened during fetal development or childbirth. Acquired Torticollis can develop later in life due to muscle spasms, sports injuries, inflammation, or underlying medical conditions like cervical arthritis. Conditions affecting the muscles or nerves of the neck, including infections, tumors, or neurological disorders, can also lead to Torticollis. When you first visit a physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough, the therapist assesses your condition to learn what has caused the problem. Understanding the root cause is vital. In some cases, imaging tests may be necessary. Physiotherapy treats the body as a whole, and by addressing the root cause, physiotherapy offers long-term relief and improved function for individuals with Torticollis. It aims to alleviate pain and tension through targeted exercises, manual therapy, and modalities.

Signs and Symptoms of wry neck

The primary sign of Torticollis is the abnormal positioning of the head, which can lead to discomfort and restricted movement. Common symptoms include –
  • The head tilts to one side while the chin points to the other
  • Individuals may experience difficulty turning their head
  • The muscles on one side of the neck may feel tense or tight
  • Persistent head tilting can cause strain on the neck muscles
  • The affected shoulder may appear higher than the other.
While OTC medicines suppress pain signals, a physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough focuses on the symptoms to design the proper treatment. Based on the signs and symptoms, the therapist recommends exercises and performs manual therapy.

Physiotherapy Solutions

Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing Torticollis, focusing on improving neck mobility, reducing pain, and addressing muscle imbalances. Even if surgery is necessary, physical therapy sessions post-operatively are essential to ensure neck mobility and avoid inappropriate postures.

Stretching Exercises:

Physiotherapists prescribe specific stretching exercises to lengthen the tight muscles and improve the range of motion in the neck. These exercises target the neck and other muscles in neck rotation and flexion.

Manual Therapy:

Hands-on massage and mobilization help release muscle tension and improve tissue flexibility. Manual therapy techniques also target trigger points and knots in the neck muscles, relieving pain and discomfort.

Postural Correction:

The physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough assesses the individual's posture and guides ergonomic principles and corrective exercises to maintain proper spine and neck alignment.

Strength Training:

Weakness in specific neck muscles can contribute to Torticollis. Physiotherapy includes strengthening exercises to balance muscle strength and improve stability in the neck and shoulders.


Therapeutic modalities such as heat-and-cold therapy, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation (TENS) may reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote healing in the affected tissues.

Visit our physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough today!

Torticollis can significantly impact daily life, causing discomfort and limiting neck mobility. However, with early intervention and appropriate physiotherapy treatment, individuals can experience significant improvement in symptoms and quality of life. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of Torticollis, visit Keys to Wellness today, the best physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough.


Top Common Treatments Available at a Physiotherapy Clinic in Scarborough

Physiotherapy clinics play a crucial role in helping individuals recover from various injuries, ailments, and medical conditions. Even if you want to improve your bodily function, physiotherapy is the right choice. Through personalized treatment plans and specialized interventions, physiotherapists assist patients in managing pain, restoring mobility and improving overall quality of life. Let's explore some of the common treatments at the physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough. 

Musculoskeletal injuries at physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system can lead to musculoskeletal injury. These injuries include sprains, strains, fractures, and others, and they are most commonly treated at a physiotherapy clinic. Techniques involve manipulation and manual assessment and treatment. Utilizing basic anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, physiotherapists reduce pain and inflammation, restore range of motion, and promote healing. People struggling with arthritis, osteoporosis, and neck and back pain can benefit largely from the physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough

Neck\back pain

Poor posture, muscle imbalance, disc herniation, and spinal degeneration are all causes of neck and back pain. These conditions can hamper daily activities and even lead to injuries. Physiotherapy interventions such as spinal mobilization, strengthening exercises, and postural correction techniques aim to improve spinal alignment and enhance functional mobility.

Sports Injury

As a dedicated branch of physical therapy, sports physiotherapy aims to treat athletes facing sports-related injuries such as ligament sprains, muscle strains, and tendonitis. Physiotherapists are skilled in sports injury rehabilitation, utilizing techniques to facilitate recovery, prevent re-injury, and optimize athletic performance. It can help athletes enhance their stamina, flexibility, and strength.


Arthritis is a prevalent condition where joint inflammation and pain are generally seen. The physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough plays a vital role in arthritis management, focusing on pain relief, joint mobilization, muscle strengthening, and functional training to improve joint stability and mobility, enhance joint function and reduce disability. Physiotherapy can help improve balance and coordination through targeted exercise and training. Techniques that address this issue include stretching, range of motion exercises and joint mobilization.

Post-surgery rehabilitation

Undergoing surgery can be a challenging and life-altering experience. Whether it's a joint replacement, spinal surgery, or any other surgical procedure, the road to recovery can be long and demanding. Physiotherapists design customized rehabilitation programs tailored to each patient's surgical procedure, rehabilitation goals and stage of recovery. It helps patients regain strength, mobility, and function.
As explored in this blog, physiotherapy clinics offer various treatments depending on the patient's condition and needs. Additionally, physiotherapists provide advice and guidance for managing chronic conditions or recovering from surgery. Ultimately, the treatment plan will vary depending on the patient's needs and goals. Working with a qualified physiotherapist is essential to develop the most effective strategy for your situation. Keys to Wellness, a physiotherapy clinic in Scarborough, takes exceptional care of your unique needs and helps you improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Are you curious about physiotherapy? Contact us now!


The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Acupuncture in Scarborough: A Step-by-Step Introduction

Whenever we think of acupuncture, we tend to picture a low-light setting where an older man is inserting needles into a person lying on his stomach. The image may be frightening, but it's not an accurate description of acupuncture. If you're wondering about acupuncture, we've provided a complete beginner's guide to Acupuncture in Scarborough.

Acupuncture in Scarborough: A Brief History

Acupuncture is believed to be more than 5,000 years old, originating around 100 BC. It is an old Chinese medical practice that understands anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) identifies Qi as the vital life force. Disruption of Qi is believed to be the source of illness, physical or mental. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that over 2000 acupuncture points in the human body are connected by meridians (pathways). Energy or Qi flows through these meridians. Therefore, acupuncture tries to balance this flow of Qi to facilitate Wellness.

What happens in an acupuncture session?

Acupuncture may sound scary, although it has been reported to provide relief in several cases. So, what should you expect from acupuncture in Scarborough? Let's dive into the details. Acupuncture therapy includes inserting stainless micro needles into acupuncture points that stimulate the flow of QI. The points are first sterilized with alcohol to avoid infection. The number of needles may vary according to different practitioners and your physical health. The needles are inserted for about 20-60 minutes. One of the more common questions that arise is whether it hurts. Acupuncture in Scarborough is a painless therapy. At most, you'll feel a tingling sensation or a prick.

Benefits of Acupuncture in Scarborough

As more people turn to contemporary Medicine, acupuncture's popularity keeps increasing. Some of the benefits of acupuncture are:
  1. Nausea and vomiting control: Acupuncture has reportedly eased nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients. Although how acupuncture works is not known, it is believed that acupuncture helps regulate nerves and neurotransmitters that cause nausea and vomiting.
  2. Sleep improvement: Acupuncture may help people with sleep disorders such as insomnia. Stimulating specific acupoints helps release hormones such as serotonin or gamma-aminobutyric, which promotes sleep, relaxation, and less stress.
  3. Reduce Migraine: Incorporating acupuncture into your life has the added benefit of relieving migraine pain. Most migraine prevention medications have side effects, but acupuncture in Scarborough offers you relief after the first session.

What to look out for?

The World Health Organization has deemed acupuncture safe, with minimal side effects. However, it would help if you did proper research before mindlessly going for acupuncture in Scarborough. Acupuncturists need proper certification and license to practice. Beware of poor practices such as neglect, not discussing with clients and leaving the needles too long. People who have been trained less often cause more complications.


Acupuncture's meteoric rise to fame is backed up by science. Keys to Wellness has expert acupuncture in Scarborough with professionals trained in the art for years. 


Mythbusting Acupuncture, the Pain Management Therapy in Scarborough: Unraveling Misconceptions

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) balances mental, physical, and emotional health through good Qi flow. Acupuncture, a 2,000-year-old TCM therapy, is famous for restoring Qi flow and providing quick pain relief. It effectively addresses various conditions like chronic pain, gastritis, insomnia, and anxiety. Despite its reputation, there are myths about this pain management therapy in Scarborough that need debunking to encourage people to try this ancient therapy.

Acupuncture is Only Effective for Pain Relief

Acupuncture isn't just for pain relief; it has many benefits. It can help with fertility, improve sleep, ease depression and anxiety, and even assist in weight loss. If you're interested, talk to your TCM doctor to see if acupuncture fits you.

One Session is Sufficient

Acupuncture benefits appear after one session, but regular sessions are essential for lasting results. Your TCM doctor will guide you on how often and for how long you should have sessions based on your needs. It's recommended to follow their advice. Once you reach your health goals, you can gradually decrease the number of sessions.

Acupuncture and Dry Needling are the Same

Acupuncture and dry needling both use needles but are different. This pain management therapy in Scarborough, done by one type of practitioner in Scarborough, stimulates acupoints on meridians for overall health. Dry needling, done by another practitioner, targets muscle trigger points for release. Choose acupuncture for a holistic approach to treating various conditions.

Acupuncture Causes Scarring

Acupuncture treatments, if done right, won't leave scars. But if you have scars, it might mean you were treated with the wrong needle size. 

Acupuncture Treatment is Expensive

The first acupuncture session may cost between $100 to $300, and follow-up sessions typically range from $75 to $100. The initial session is pricier because it involves interviews and tests to ensure you won't have any adverse reactions to the acupuncture treatments.

You Cannot Eat Before the Treatment

Acupuncturists recommend having a small breakfast at least 2 hours before your session. Avoid a large dinner to prevent discomfort during the process. It's important not to skip eating, as it can make you lightheaded. Remember to grab a bite before the procedure for a smoother experience.

The Same Needles are Using Several Times

During its early years, acupuncture operations were risky as needles were reused without proper sanitization. However, modern acupuncture now uses disposable needles, so there's no need to worry about catching diseases from this pain management therapy.

Contact Us!

As we debunk these common myths about acupuncture, it's essential to approach this ancient practice with an open mind. Acupuncture, when administered by trained professionals using disposable needles, is a safe, effective, and often rejuvenating therapy. Don't let misconceptions deter you from exploring the potential benefits of this pain management therapy for your well-being. Contact us at Keys to Wellness in Scarborough to learn more about it. 


Everything You Need to Know About Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Scarborough

In today's fast-paced world, many people, especially women, face common pelvic floor issues. These problems can affect both men and women, impacting overall well-being and quality of life. The good news is that physiotherapy offers practical solutions to address these concerns. Read this article to learn how pelvic floor physiotherapy in Scarborough will help you down the road.

What are the Most Common Pelvic Floor Issues?

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles located at the base of the pelvis. It supports organs like the bladder, uterus, and rectum. When these muscles weaken or experience dysfunction, you may encounter issues such as 

  • Incontinence, 
  • Pelvic pain, 
  • Discomfort during intercourse.


One of the most common problems is urinary or fecal incontinence. In this condition, individuals may involuntarily leak urine or experience difficulties controlling bowel movements. This can occur due to factors like pregnancy, childbirth, aging, or certain medical conditions.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is another common concern, which is debilitating and affects daily activities. It may result from muscle spasms, inflammation, or injury. Conditions like endometriosis or interstitial cystitis can contribute to pelvic pain as well.

Discomfort During Intercourse

Some people may experience discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse, often linked to pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. As a result, this condition can strain relationships and impact overall well-being.

How Can Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Help You?

Physiotherapy is a non-invasive and practical approach to address pelvic floor issues. Skilled physiotherapists can provide tailored exercises and techniques to strengthen and rehabilitate the pelvic floor muscles.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor physiotherapy experts also guide patients through specific pelvic floor exercises to improve muscle strength and coordination. These exercises, often called Kegels, help control bladder and bowel functions.

Manual Therapy

Physiotherapy includes hands-on techniques to release tension and address muscle imbalances. Manual therapy can help lower pelvic pain and improve overall muscle function.

Education and Lifestyle Changes

Physiotherapists educate individuals on lifestyle modifications that can contribute to pelvic floor health. This may include –

  • Maintaining a healthy weight, 
  • Adopting proper posture, 
  • We are incorporating relaxation techniques.


Physiologists use biofeedback to help individuals gain awareness and control over their pelvic floor muscles. This technology provides real-time feedback to enhance the effectiveness of pelvic floor exercises.

What to expect from pelvic floor physiotherapy?

A typical session involves -

  • Comprehensive Assessment: After a physical examination, You must discuss your symptoms and medical history.
  • Personalized Treatment Plan: The experts may customize exercises such as manual therapy, biofeedback, and education as per your requirements.
  • Education and Self-management: You may also learn to activate and relax your pelvic floor muscles for sustainable results.

Contact Us!

Standard pelvic floor issues can significantly impact daily life, but pelvic floor physiotherapy in Scarborough offers accessible and efficient solutions. You can regain control and improve your overall well-being by incorporating pelvic floor exercises, manual therapy, and education.

Don't let pelvic floor issues hinder your lifestyle. Consult a qualified physiotherapist today to start your journey towards a healthier, more comfortable life. Remember, a strong pelvic floor is the foundation for overall wellness! If you want to get professional assistance in this matter, contact us at Keys to Wellness. 


Do chiropractic services in Scarborough make things worse?

Chiropractic services in Scarborough, a non-invasive and holistic approach to healthcare, has gained popularity for its focus on spinal health and overall well-being. However, misconceptions and concerns persist regarding whether chiropractic adjustments can potentially exacerbate symptoms.

In this guide, we will delve into common apprehensions and explore the evidence to address the doubts: Do chiropractic services in Scarborough make symptoms worse? Let us begin!

Initial Discomfort | Understanding the Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments aim to correct spinal misalignments, known as Subluxation, which can affect nerve function. During the initial phases of chiropractic services in Scarborough, some patients may experience mild discomfort or soreness as the body adapts to these changes. Tightness or stiffness in the muscles around the adjusted area is a common occurrence. This is often a transient response to the release of tension and realignment of the spine.

Communication with Your Chiropractor

Effective communication with your chiropractor is crucial. Informing them of any discomfort or changes in symptoms allows adjustments to be tailored to your comfort level. Skilled chiropractors can modify their techniques based on patient feedback. If a particular adjustment causes discomfort, alternatives can be explored to achieve the desired results without exacerbating symptoms.

Understanding Individual Responses

Each individual responds differently to chiropractic services in Scarborough. While some experience immediate relief, others may initially feel discomfort before improvements occur. Pre-existing health conditions, such as inflammation or injuries, can influence how the body responds to chiropractic adjustments. A thorough assessment by the chiropractor helps tailor the approach to individual needs.

Educating Patients

A reputable chiropractor in Scarborough educates patients about potential reactions, emphasizing that initial discomfort is often part of the healing process. This communication helps manage expectations and allays concerns.

Serious complications from chiropractic adjustments are statistically rare. The vast majority of patients experience positive outcomes without adverse effects. Chiropractors undergo extensive training to minimize risks. Techniques are chosen based on patient health, and careful assessments are conducted to identify any contraindications.

Screening Processes

Before adjustments, chiropractors conduct comprehensive examinations, including health history reviews and diagnostic imaging when necessary. This screening process helps identify any factors that could increase the risk of adverse events. Staying well-hydrated post-adjustment aids the body in eliminating toxins released during the adjustment process. Adequate rest following an adjustment allows the body to adapt and optimize the benefits of the chiropractic treatment.

Follow-Up Care

Periodic follow-up appointments help chiropractors monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. This ongoing care ensures that the body continues to respond positively to chiropractic interventions.

Best chiropractic services in Scarborough

Dispelling concerns about chiropractic care making symptoms worse requires a nuanced understanding of individual responses, the adjustment process, and the role of effective communication between patients and chiropractors.

While some individuals may experience initial discomfort, it is often part of the body's natural response to realignment. Importantly, serious complications are rare, and risk mitigation measures are in place through thorough screening and appropriate technique selection.

Choosing a qualified and experienced chiropractor, maintaining open communication, and adhering to post-adjustment guidelines contribute to a positive and beneficial chiropractic experience. As with any healthcare decision, individuals should consult with healthcare professionals and discuss concerns openly to ensure that chiropractic care aligns with their unique needs and contributes to their overall well-being.

So, are you interested? Feel free to visit Keys To Wellness and witness the natural healing power of chiropractic services in Scarborough.


Benefits of Physiotherapy

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Benefits of Physiotherapy

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Key to Wellness has been assisting clients in easing pain and discomfort. While some experienced instant relief, others commented that the effects of the sessions lasted forever.

Samuel Gill

From the reception staff to the expert who helped me, everyone was pleasant, patient, and friendly. They were non-judgemental, understanding, and communicative. The expert assigned to me not only helped me with my problem but also made me understand the root cause of it and how I prevent it from happening in the future.

Xavier Goodwin

The staffs at Key To Wellness always go the extra mile to understand the issue and curate the best treatment for it. I booked online for physiotherapy, which was the best I have received to date. Also, the effect was long-lasting. The environment is friendly, pleasant, and non-judgemental.

Kristen G

Over the years, I have received massage therapy and sports injury physiotherapy from three other clinics. I recommend Key To Wellness to anyone who is looking for quality service at affordable rates. I consistently enjoyed their support during my challenging and painful days.

Ratna Kaur

Honestly speaking, having visited multiple wellness clinics over the years, I had set a standard for what they can offer. And guess what? The service I received from Key To Wellness cannot be expressed in words. They are the best guys. If you want to lead a pain-free life, choose Key To Wellness over any other clinic.


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(416) 519-5883